Salchow Law FirmBusiness and Corporate LawOffices serving the Kansas City, Springfield, and Joplin areas.
When you are deciding how to form a corporation, or other business entity, you need an experienced business lawyer who understands the law. At the Salchow Law Firm our Missouri business law attorneys serve the needs of the business community from the initial formation of a new business, to the final winding down, or sale of the business. If you need help with a legal issue in business law, we can assist you. We assist clients with business planning, as well as new business startups. We handle contract drafting, protections from liability, asset transfers, account management issues, and more. Business formation choices often have significant tax ramifications. Whether you want to form an S corporation, a C corporation, a limited liability partnership, a limited liability company, or another form for your business, we can provide you with experienced counsel to guide you. Our trial attorneys help clients with business litigation. We handle breach of contract actions, shareholder derivative lawsuits, breach of fiduciary duty cases and self-dealing, and employment law disputes. We have the resources to handle even the largest, most complex business litigation. We prepare every case for trial and we are not afraid to fight for you in front of a judge and jury. From settling partnership disputes and winding down a business, to working with regulatory agencies and helping a business create successful management training programs, we work hard for our business clients. We take the time to understand your business goals and we strive to meet those goals. Let the Salchow Law Firm business and corporate attorneys help you take care of your company's needs. |
To contact us:
Salchow Law Firm
Phone: 816-505-3130 417-673-0015 Email: tsalchow@cableone.net